Pet owner education

Veterinarians have an important role in the education of pet owners.

It is essential to allocate time during the consultation to explain the treatment plan to the client and be ready to answer any questions they might have regarding the therapeutic course and the condition of their animal.

Here are some important topics to cover with pet owners when you are prescribing antibiotics:

  • What are antibiotics
  • When are they used
  • Importance of finishing the course
  • What is resistance
  • Possible side effects
  • How to administer the medicine
  • Provide written instructions
  • Book a follow up appointment

Remember that good communication with your clients is a big part of treatment success.

Ceva is dedicated to support you on this matter. Find more information and communication guidelines in the GRAM book. Along with GRAM, Ceva has developed a range of tools to raise client awareness on antimicrobial resistance and help you achieve gold standard practice communication and client support.

Informing your clients about antimicrobial resistance is not anymore time-consuming:

  • simple message making understanding easier
  • practical and efficient tools



Apoiantes GRAM

  • The Bella Moss Foundation
  • ISFM